Team member 2009-2012
Classification: Master
Distinguished Pistol Shot (USAF Badge# 390)
NRA Distinguished Revolver (Badge# 310)
Distinguished .22 Rimfire Pistol (Badge# 178)
Personal best scores:
- .22 (900) - 883-48x, Borden, IN 24 August 2013
- CF (900) - 870-32x, Borden, IN 25 April 2015
- .45 (900) - 865-36x, Evansville, IN, 7 October 2012
- Service Pistol - 282-6x, Camp Perry, OH 19 July 2009
- AGG (2700) - 2595-105x, Borden, IN 20 May 2017
Other accomplishments
- Indiana State Conventional Indoor Pistol Champion - 2013
- General Twining Trophy, Camp Perry, 2012
- General Curtis LeMay Trophy, Camp Perry, 2009, 2010, 2012
- General Carl Spaatz Trophy, Camp Perry, 2012
- Indiana State Conventional Outdoor Pistol Champion - 2012, 2013
- President's 100, Camp Perry, 2009, 2011
- First Place Sharpshooter-Service, Camp Perry, 2009
How I got started shooting
I worked as a Combat Arms instructor while a cadet at the AF Academy. I later found and was able to shoot in an Elementary Leg match in 1997 and earned the Elementary badge. It wasn't until after I ran into Col Chang in '03 and a couple moves later that I started looking into what would be required to pursue a Distinguished badge. That led me to Bullseye Pistol and the team, and now I'm hooked!
Current training locations