Team member since 2004
Current High Overall Classification: AAA
Personal best scores:
- 12 Ga - 100 x 100
- 20 Ga - 100 x 100
- 28 Ga - 100 x 100
- .410 bore - 100 x 100
- Doubles - 100 x 100
- HOA - 399 x 400
- HAA - 496
Other accomplishments
- Selected to Four All American teams
- Three Military World Championships, Two Silvers and two Bronze
- Three zone 7 teams, three zone 7 MIL HOA championships, Zone 7 Open HOA RU 2009
- 12 State Championships from two states including Two HOA and Three HAA championships
- 2009 Armed Forces Mil HOA Champion and open RU.
- 2009 Armed forces 410 bore champion
- 2009 Armed Forces Mil doubles Champion
- Member of AF team winning 16 Armed forces team titles including complete team sweep of all events in 2007
- Two Comstock HOA Championships and one RU
- One Thunderbird HOA Championship and one RU
- 2007 Pacific Sporting Arms HOA Champion
How I got started shooting
I was introduced to skeet in 1990 while serving in the Army Infantry, but shot my first 4 gun shoot in 1999. Things really took off for me in 2004 when I was selected to shoot for the Air Force Team. The camaraderie and support we give each other has consistently helped me to build a better game. We are always there for each other and our team work makes us stronger.
Current training locations